What Are the Benefits of Climbing Frames for Children?

What Are the Benefits of Climbing Frames for Children?


This article will sort out the specific advantages of investing in children's climbing frames so that you can make better choices for your child.

What Are the Benefits of Climbing Frames for Children?
the benefits of climbing frames for children,What Are the Benefits of Climbing Frames for Children?Climbing Frames manufacturer
Having good climbing skills is important for all children as this allows them to be physically active and interact socially on the playground. The adventurous spirit is alive and well in most toddlers and young children. 

To support this natural curiosity, as responsible adults, it is important that we ensure that the environment is safe for exploration. This means removing poisonous and any obvious hazards–whilst still providing an environment that is challenging and allows the child to test their limits. Child climbing frames can create a safe and challenging environment for your child for the following reasons:

Getting the Level of Challenge Just Right

We need to solidify a stage of learning for children and be prepared to try something more difficult. By investing in children's climbing frames, we can challenge them to tasks that may be just beyond their current comfort level.

This environment allows children to develop perseverance and realize that through persistence and hard work, skill is developed over time.

Improves Dexterity

As children climb, they are using their hands to grip, hold and often support all of their body weight. This improves strength in the fingers, hands, arms, and shoulders. These are the muscle groups that are absolutely vital to provide a stable support base for fine motor tasks such as handwriting and cutting skills.

Improves Physical Strength

Climbing is a whole-body activity. We push with our legs and pull with our arms to gain height. The core is engaged to provide support and stability.

If children need to be physically supported as they climb, it is best to offer that support at the hips or at the shoulders rather than by holding a hand. This can greatly improve the physical strength of the child.

Builds Confidence

If the task is developmentally appropriate for the child's current ability with just a small increase in difficulty–then the challenge presented will be just right. The child may be a little apprehensive about the challenge, but with some verbal encouragement, they will have a go. Children who have good climbing skills can successfully complete the challenge and this will give them a real sense of achievement, pride, and confidence in themselves.

Develops Problem Solving Skills

When faced with a climbing challenge children's brain is working hard:

Assessing risk: Is it safe?, is it too high for me?, will I fall?, I bet the view up there is great, I think I can do it!

Motor planning: Which way will I go? Where will I put my feet/hands? How will I get back down?

Some children who lack impulse control may not think through all of these possible outcomes before embarking on the climb. Having an adult nearby who can verbalize these considerations for the child is a good way to role model these problem-solving skills.

Improves Proprioception and Vestibular Sensory Systems

Proprioception is knowing where our body is in space–what our arms and legs are doing without having to look at them, how much force we need to use in any given context. For example, the force needed to throw a ball is greater than the force needed to hold a pencil. We develop our proprioception skills by doing strong bodywork, being aware of what our limbs are doing, and being in contact with the ground. Having good climbing skills helps children to develop proprioception which is a really important sensory system.

The vestibular system takes information from our inner ear and eyes and sends this to the brain. It detects motion and where our heads are in relation to the ground. If we are in danger of falling–it is the vestibular system that kicks in and tells our brain to try and regain balance. Perhaps by correcting our body positioning, putting our hands out in front, or grabbing hold of something nearby to prevent the fall.

Improves Balance

Having a good balance is an important prerequisite for almost every gross and fine motor skill. Climbing helps children to develop balance by engaging their core and large muscle groups.

If you want to know more about children's climbing frames after reading the above, please continue to pay attention to our news.

As a professional manufacturer of children's fitness equipment, we have accumulated many years of design and production experience in this field. We are committed to providing safe amusement facilities for every child and creating an interesting amusement environment. We have also established a complete quality inspection system, which can control the quality of our products in an all-round way. If you are interested in our children's climbing frame, please contact us immediately!